What does CSS stand for?
Cascading Style Sheet
Why was CSS created?
CSS was created to style your webpage in the colors and orginization you want. It also saves a lot of work.

How many different methods are there for inserting styles and what are they?
There are three different methods of inserting styles. The three types are external, internal, and inline.

Explain in detail inline styles.What are they?
Inline styles are used to apply a unique style for a single element. Ex. Color and text align.
Why and when are they used?
They are used to change the color of your text and backround as well as aligning your text to different places on the page.

Style Guide Tips

1. Always declare the doctype in the first line of your document.
2. Use lowercase element names because they are neater and easier.
3. Make sure to close all html elements.
4. Use lowercase attribute names as well as element names because it is bad to mix uppercase and lowercase.
5.Quote attribute values because quote values are easier to read.
6. Always add the alt value to images and define the image width and height to avoid flickering.